Monday, March 12, 2007

First Day of Shoes

The first day of spring be damned. Today was a much better day--the first day of shoes! Yes, much of the snow was washed away from the sidewalks this weekend by a light rain, and temperatures have consistently been just above freezing for three days straight now, and so today was that miraculous day when it was finally safe--and sane--to wear real shoes instead of boots for the first time in a couple of months. Actually, I don't wear boots per se, I wear Clark's "Muckers", made in England, short-cut like shoes, but water-proof, and surprising warm, although perhaps not that surprising given how cold it can get in England on rainy days. Today I got to dust off--and I do mean dust off quite literally!--my good ol' Doc Martens (gee, I seem to have a thing for English shoes!) and break them in again, complete with that little spot that rubs against the back of my heel but which is nonetheless a welcome pain to bear in exchange for clear, ice-free, snow-free, and relatively slush-free sidewalks. Here in CanuckLand, it's got nothing to do with groundhogs, spring solstice, or the switch to daylight savings time (as much as that too was very much a welcome relief this weekend). Nope, what truly signals the beginning of spring and instills hope and pride at surviving yet another long, cold winter is wearing shoes again. I can't wait til tomorrow morning to dust off my sneakers too!

2 Marginalia:

At 13/3/07 10:04, Blogger Hilaire said...

I totally get you on this...I have VOWED not to wear my huge, clunky, heavy, waterproof, 400-fill lined boots anymore. Off with them!! I wore shoes, too, this weekend - it was divine.

Alas, I see that it's suppoed to get chilly again (well, relatively speaking) and snowy this weekend. Damn!

At 13/3/07 16:16, Blogger Pantagruelle said...

Thanks, Hilaire! I figured another Canuck would get exactly what it's all about.

Today has been marked by a second milestone in my devesting of the hivernal vestimentary burden--the first day since about November that I've been able to venture outside without wearing tights under my jeans! Shedding that extra layer of clothing feels like shedding 5 lbs--if only it were really that easy!--and is just so totally liberating. It's also been a day for only one pair of socks instead of two, and it was possible to go outside and forget to put on gloves. It's fabulous.


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