Friday, December 29, 2006

End of article / year joy

Happy New Year to me! I just sent off an article to a journal editor today. Yay! It had been accepted back in July, recommended by both readers but with some revisions, and I was told that if I finished the revisions by December there was a chance it would make it into the issue coming out this spring. I didn't even have time to start working on it until the beginning of this month, and I sure am relieved that I managed to get it done. The 24-hour train ride home for xmas had something to do with that! Lots of spare time with nothing to do but edit. I didn't have a lot of time before that to work on it this month because...

I was in San Francisco celebrating my 30th birthday! That was tons of fun, a total blast! The only downside was that San Francisco was just as cold as Québec! LA, on the other hand, was absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't have wished for a better way to spend my birthday.

1 Marginalia:

At 29/12/06 21:36, Blogger Hilaire said...

Hey, great news!

Happy birthday!


Scribble in my margins

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