Sunday, December 03, 2006

Waiting Game Wiki

I just found out about a new resource for those of us playing the waiting game on the job market. It was mentioned in The Chronicle of Higher Education apparently, although I heard about it from a friend. It's a wiki that anyone can update with information about the status of the application process at each of the universities hiring this year in any particular field: i.e., requests for writing samples, the scheduling of MLA interviews, and campus visits. I got a request for a writing sample a few weeks ago, and have generally written off by now all of the other schools that didn't want a writing sample in the initial application and haven't asked me for one yet, but for those schools that already have my writing sample and at which I might still have a chance at a MLA interview, well, the waiting game really sucks--especially since it makes it impossible to make xmas travel plans without knowing whether or not there is any need to make MLA travel plans. With this wiki, based on updates provided by other candidates who have been contacted, it's possible to know when a particular school has begun to schedule MLA interviews, and when it is time to throw in the towel and give up hope of hearing from that school. Some people over on The Chronicle forums think that it's better to just send off the applications and not think about them anymore, but I think this is a great tool. I've got lots of other things to do besides sit and wait and wonder--and now it's possible to know when hope is still alive and when it's not. Job hunters, spread the word!