Sunday, September 17, 2006

Finished an article

I just finished expanding and revising an article and sent it off to the volume editors. Yay! This is the first strike through on my new Fall to-do list. Unlike the last article I finished over the summer, which came out of a non-diss related conference paper that started off as something just for fun until the opportunity to publish arose, this article was largely based on my diss. In fact, it basically was my entire diss: pared down intro and conclusion with a one paragraph summary in the middle from the intros of each chapter, and voilà, suddenly my 252 pages are only 19! It's rather weird to think that I can compress most of my diss into only 1/10th of the original length! It makes me wonder if I really had anything substantial to say in the first place! On the other hand, in doing this little editing exercise, I went back and re-read parts of my diss that I hadn't looked at since I defended it a year ago, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it's not all as horrible as I thought it was. There just might be fodder in there for a decent book proposal after all! And after those translations are taken care of, that will be my next task...