I'm back from my campus visit. I think that it went really well, although I don't want to say too much about it for fear of jinxing it, and because I'm still not sure if the search committee might come across this blog (although all signs indicated that hasn't happened yet). The school was great. Everyone I met was very warm and friendly and I'm convinced that they would all be wonderful colleagues to work with. The town is, well, what I was expecting, small but liveable, and the quality of the school and colleagues well make up for the size of the town and make it a place where I could conceive of living for a long time. There are still two more candidates to go after me, so I will have to wait at least three more weeks before I am likely to hear any news from them at all, since that will be the soonest they will be able to meet to come to a decision. The waiting is surely going to drive me crazy since I feel like I've been in waiting-and-hoping mode non-stop since the MLA list came out way back in September, but since there's nothing to be done about it, wait I must. At least I will be less stressed over the next few weeks knowing that it's now out of my hands and I did the very best I could, which, in my opinion (and based on feedback that I got back from others while I was there), was pretty darn good! I hope the job offer goddesses will smile favourably on me!