Wednesday, November 14, 2007

2, 47, 4

2 months of full time work doing nothing, absolutely nothing, but job applications (and sending off the book proposal). 47 job applicatations sent prior to MLA, the last one submitted just a few hours ago. 4 requests for writing samples already. Tired! Somewhat happy and encouraged so far! Did I mention tired? Nuff said for now...

Monday, November 12, 2007

Shakespeare Quote Generator

As seen chez Profgrrrrl and Dr. Crazy.

William Shakespeare

O excellent! I love Pantagruelle better than figs.

Which work of Shakespeare was the original quote from?

Get your own quotes:

I particularly like this one, given the bawdy pun on early modern figs. I'm really missing my girlfriend's figs right now, but, soon, oh so soon...