Friday, May 19, 2006

Hé ben, j'ai un blogue!

Et voilà, c'est fait, j'ai finalement un blogue à moi. Puisque tout le monde et son chien en a un, me semble que c'était le temps de le faire. Quoi que j'en avais un ben avant que "blog" ever even existed as a word! I wasn't going to post a link to it, but since anyone could Google it in two seconds flat anyway, I might as well show you the ancienne substantifique moëlle de Pantagruelle, back in the day, with the cavaet that Pantagruelle then n'est pas du tout Pantagruelle maintenant.

Who is this particular identitary manifestation of Pantagruelle anyway? Well, Chapter 2 of Rabelais' (first-written, but narratively-second) novel says:
    Et par ce qu'en ce propre iour nasquit Pantagruel, son pere luy imposa tel nom: car Panta en Grec vault autant à dire comme tout: & Gruel en langue hagarene vault autant comme alteré, voulant inferer qu'à l'heure de sa nativité le monde estoit tout alteré.

So that would make Pantagruelle, celle (pas celui) qui espère alterer le monde by her passage through it... Really, otherwise, what would be the point? Who'd want to leave it in the rather repulsive state that it's in now?

And despite being named after that wonderfully carnivalesque and just plain fun Renaissance bard Rabelais, this Pantagruelle also has a particularly strong penchant for Shakespeare. Whether or not being a Shakespearean qualifies one to alter the world is highly debatable, but that shall be fodder for other (cynical?) posts on the state of the academic profession...

The profession can't be entirely bad though, since it provides us with such humour as this piece from yesterday's version of The Onion. This blog is still here, so let's hope that means my IBM doesn't think that it's entirely senseless rambling, at least not yet!